Crossbill Authority initial configuration

On the Crossbill Authority installation, the initial system configuration is required. To perform a configuration follow the steps:

Configure Crossbill Central

Crossbill Central is a web system for the software updates and license management. To perform an initial configuration follow the steps:

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Navigate to Crossbill Central web page. By default, the page is available as (where should be replaced with the domain name configured during the installation).
  3. On the first load of the system, it is expected some wait time until the page appears. During the first start, you may see a 502 or 504 error page. In this case refresh a page in a browser until the valid page appears.
  4. The initial screen allows you to create a system administrator account. Fill the required fields and click the Create Account button.
    Central. 1.Create Admin Account

    Central. 1.Create Admin Account

  5. The next screen configures a system language. Use default value for any common configuration. To save the choice click the Save Changes button.
    Central. 2.Configure the locale

    Central. 2.Configure the locale

  6. The next screen configures the mailing component. Note that you can skip the mailing configuration on this step and do it later from a System Settings page. The system uses SMTP standard to send e-mails. The SMTP server configuration is required for any mailing tasks. Use settings from a third party mailing provider you already have or install a private SMTP server. For example, you may use Crossbill CrossMail to have a dedicated mail server suitable for mailing tasks. Once you set the settings, click the Save Changes button.
    Central. 3.Configure the e-mail notifications

    Central. 3.Configure the e-mail notifications

  7. Crossbill Central is now configured. Log into the system using the e-mail and password of the administrator's account. 
    Central. 4.Sign in

    Central. 4.Sign in

  8. Crossbill Central lists all Authority components installed: 
    Authority.  5.Application Management

    Authority. 5.Application Management

Configure Crossbill Bone with Authority plugin

Now it's time to configure the Crossbill Bone system with Authority plugin. Follow the steps:

  1. Open a web browser. 
  2. Navigate to Crossbill Bone web page. By default, the page is available as (where should be replaced with the domain name configured during the installation). 
  3. On the first load of the system, it is expected some wait time until the page appears. During the first start, you may see a 502 or 504 error page. In this case refresh a page in a browser until the valid page appears.
  4. If Crossbill Central is already configured, then the licensing page would appear. You can get an evaluation (trial) license for Crossbill Authority. Select a related option and click the Continue button.
    Authority. 6.Get a Trial License

    Authority. 6.Get a Trial License

  5. The next screen configures a connection to the website. The license information will be automatically downloaded from So, the connection information is required. If you need a new account, click the Create new account link and follow the account registration steps.

    Note that you have an option to use an offline license file. In this case, no online connection is required.

    [Image not found!]
  6. Enter your account username and password. Click the Connect button.
  7. Now you can issue an evaluation (trial) license or enter the license details you already have. 
  8. To issue an evaluation (trial) license click the request evaluation license link. The link directs you to a license request page on the website.
    Nest. 7.Request a License

    Nest. 7.Request a License

  9. Make sure to fill the application field and a server key field properly. Then click the Request button.
  10. Once license is ready, you will see a confirmation:
    Nest. 8.Your license is ready

    Nest. 8.Your license is ready

  11. Also Crossbill sends a confirmation e-mail message. 
    Nest. 9.You order have been completed

    Nest. 9.You order have been completed

  12. Once the license is issued, the Crossbill Bone with Shop plugin configuration continues. The next screen configures a system language. Use default value for any common configuration. To save the choice click the Save Changes button. 
    Authority. 11.Configure the locale

    Authority. 11.Configure the locale

  13. Crossbill Bone with Authority plugin is now configured. Log into the system using the e-mail and password of the administrator's account. 
    Authority. 12.Sign in Authority

    Authority. 12.Sign in Authority

Configure Crossbill Cone with Authority plugin

Now it's time to configure the Crossbill Cone system with Authority plugin. Follow the steps:

  1. Open a web browser. 
  2. Navigate to Crossbill Cone web page. By default, the page is available as (where should be replaced with the domain name configured during the installation). 
  3. On the first load of the system, it is expected some wait time until the page appears. During the first start, you may see a 502 or 504 error page. In this case refresh a page in a browser until the valid page appears.
  4. If Crossbill Central and Crossbill Bone are already configured, then the access configuration page would appear. It allows to use system for the Internet users (public use) or privately. 
    Authority. 13.Authority web

    Authority. 13.Authority web

  5. The next screen configures a system language. Use default value for any common configuration. To save the choice click the Save Changes button. 
    Authority. 14.Configure the locale

    Authority. 14.Configure the locale

  6. The next screen configures the invoicing. The information filled in the form will appear in an invoice issued to a user. The form configures a currency displayed in a shop as well. To save the choice click the Save Changes button. 
    Authority. 15.Configure the invoicing

    Authority. 15.Configure the invoicing

  7. Crossbill Cone with Shop plugin is now configured. Log into the system using the e-mail and password of the administrator's account. 
    Authority. 16.Sign in

    Authority. 16.Sign in

Configure Crossbill Nest

Now it's time to configure the Crossbill Nest system. Follow the steps:

  1. Open a web browser. 
  2. Navigate to Crossbill Cone web page. By default, the page is available as (where should be replaced with the domain name configured during the installation). 
  3. On the first load of the system, it is expected some wait time until the page appears. During the first start, you may see a 502 or 504 error page. In this case refresh a page in a browser until the valid page appears.
  4. If Crossbill Central and Crossbill Bone are already configured, then the language configuration page would appear. Use default value for any common configuration. To save the choice click the Save Changes button. 
    Authority. 17.Nest Configure the locale

    Authority. 17.Nest Configure the locale

  5. The next screen configures the installation type. The NuGet server installation allows to upload and host the NuGet packages in a way fully compatible with nuget.exe, dotnet.exe and MS Visual Studio. The marketplace server installation hides all NuGet commands and designed to be used with Crossbill Central as the application marketplace. 
    Authority. 18.Nest use system

    Authority. 18.Nest use system

  6. Crossbill Nest is now configured. Log into the system using the e-mail and password of the administrator's account. 

    Authority. 19.Nest sign in

    Authority. 19.Nest sign in

  7. You can upload an application package using the Upload button, via API or direclty to the packages directory: