Premier Support Offering Details

Premier Support Overview

Crossbill's Premier Support is a dedicated global team of Senior Support Engineers and Enterprise Managers committed to delivering higher SLAs, faster triage, faster resolutions, as well as engaging customers with new service touch points to improve customer experience, system availability, and system performance for our business-critical Enterprise customers.

If you have additional questions please contact us at

Premier Support Detailed Features

Dedicated Senior Support Engineers

All Premier Support customer requests are routed directly to experienced Premier Support engineers from the minute the ticket is created during the business week (24x5).  This eliminates time normally required in Select Support for the initial bounce, basic triage steps, environment questions, and internal escalation processes to get up to a more senior individual. The Premier Support team is dedicated to only service Premier Support customers. In addition, the Premier Support engineers have large-scale experience and advanced training beyond the Select Support teams to better and more quickly service your more complex and critical needs. During local holidays and weekends when the Premier Support team is not available, Premier Support customer requests are handled by the Select Support team providing for weekend and holiday coverage that is not available to standard customers. Note: If specific coverage is required outside of the regular hours of availability (24 x 5), time can be scheduled in advance with Premier Support engineers for planned upgrades, maintenance, and other weekend tasks based on availability.

Development Escalation Priority & Coordination

Priority placement in the development escalation queue ensures your issues are triaged more quickly by our developers and product teams when escalated. This is important when issues require product team engagement and gives Premier Support customers higher priority and service levels to ensure more timely root-cause analysis and next steps. In addition, Premier Support has dedicated resources that help manage and coordinate escalations through the various product teams within Crossbill. 

Screen Shares & Conference Calls

Our team utilizes phone calls, screen shares, and team sync meetings to solve issues faster by ensuring precious time and context is not lost when critical issues arise.

Health Checks

Health Checks can be requested up to quarterly on installed products in production, QA, and staging environments to help prevent outages and ensure best practices are followed. During a health check our team will look for known issues with configurations, compatibility, driver versions, performance conditions, memory settings, and other improvements. Health Checks can be very helpful as a preventive tool for production outages and slowdowns as well as during system upgrades to ensure success.

Account On-boarding & Familiarity

Premier Support customers will be walked through a knowledge capture and onboarding process that documents environments (VM, OS, DB, drivers, network, etc.), installed apps, versions, covered instances, and past issues in our online systems. Premier Support maintains centralized customer environment information to build account knowledge and save time during follow-on support requests.

Upon purchasing Premier Support, the Premier Support team will conduct an onboarding process whereby we:

  • Identify Named Contacts - Identify your three named Premier Support contacts, who should be experts in administering the Crossbill products.
  • Gather Environment Information - An important part of our Premier Support service is to gather the basic product, version, apps, VM, OS, DB, network, and usage information to save time in the future. This knowledge capture also helps our team become more knowledgeable about your account, usage pattern, and specifics that will help us provide higher-quality support moving forward.   
  • Review Existing Issues - Understand existing challenges, prioritize current support cases, and begin to craft an account strategy to improve stability, performance, and support interactions between teams. During this time our team will also transfer existing support cases over to Premier Support that were filed by any one of the three named contacts in the past. 
  • Review Phone Procedures - Publish regional phone numbers that can be used to contact the Premier Support teams directly. The call will automatically route to the Premier Support team in the online office in one of the other worldwide regions if the call is made after business hours in your local region.
  • Perform Initial Health Check - Part of onboarding includes an initial system Health Check for instances supported by any of the named contacts.

Global Warm Handoffs for Critical Issues

To maintain urgency and efficiency when critical issues are transitioned between global offices the Premier Support team performs warm handoffs during the business week between our offices. The warm handoff process creates overlap between regional teams handling a customer's issues. The process and workflows ensure that the new team taking over the issue has time to review past findings and next actions before the initial team goes offline. This same warm handoff process is followed when transitioning critical issues to the team that covers weekends.

Coverage and Service Level

Account-wide Coverage

One fixed price will cover all of your Crossbill product and Crossbill supported apps. You can have multiple production, staging, and test instances of each of our products all covered by a single $39,500/year Premier Support license. Three named contacts must be identified to open tickets that automatically route to the Premier Support team. There are no other restrictions as to how many other users can be copied and participate on tickets, the only condition that the creation be by one of the named contacts. If you use a solution partner you can expand the three named contacts to five, where three of the named contacts are actually solution partner technical resources that assist you with support and two contacts remain your direct contacts. Please see the Eligibility section below on this page for additional details.

Weekend Coverage

Select Support engineers are online over the weekend to ensure coverage whenever your business requires it. Weekend coverage includes assistance with scheduled outages, maintenance work, and upgrades to help your teams ensure system readiness. Weekend support does not cover free or open source products like Crossbill Packager and Crossbill Central. Weekends start from Friday 5pm until Monday 10am Australian Eastern timezone (UTC+10 & UTC+11 DST). Note: If Premier Support Senior engineers specifically are required for weekend coverage outside of the regular hours (24 x 5) of availability, time can be scheduled with the Premier Support engineers in advance for planned upgrades, maintenance and other weekend tasks based on schedule and availability. Premier Support engineers must be requested at least 3 weeks in advance and must be confirmed by Crossbill as available per request.

24 x 7 Phone Support

As part of our onboarding processes Premier Support customers will receive local regional phone numbers that will connect them directly to an engineer. Phone support is available 24 x 7, however, for issue response and resolution Weekend Coverage conditions still apply.

Severity Response Times

Premier Support
Deployment Options Server and Data Center products
Self-help Resources
Community Support
Support Portal
Hours of Availability1 24/7
Initial Response Times2

Production Application Down


30 min

Serious Degradation


2 Hr

Moderate Impact


8 Hr

Limited Impact


24 Hr

Support Team3 Dedicated Senior Support Team
Phone Support All tickets
Matching response times for Staging & QA Systems
Development Escalation Priority
On-Call Upgrade Coverage
Proactive Health Checks (includes QA and Staging)
On-boarding & Environment Familiarity
Escalation Management
Post Incident Reports
Support Entitlement

Premier named contacts4

Products Covered All products

$39,500 per 3 named contacts4

1 Hours of Availability - Weekend coverage applies only to Priority and Premier Support programs. Weekend support does not cover free or open source products like Crossbill Packager and Crossbill Central. Weekends start from Friday 5PM until Monday 10AM Australian Eastern timezone (UTC+10 & UTC+11 DST). During weekends when a Premier Support team member is not scheduled in advance, Premier Support requests are handled by the Select Support team.

2 Initial Response Times – Full descriptions of severity levels are as follows:

  • Level 1: Production application down or major malfunction affecting business and high number of staff
  • Level 2: Serious degradation of application performance or functionality
  • Level 3: Application issue that has a moderate impact to the business
  • Level 4: Issue or question with limited business impact

3 Support Team – Our Advanced and Dedicated Senior Teams are both highly trained engineers who are ready to diagnose issues in your environment. Our dedicated senior support team familiarize themselves with three primary contacts from your company to learn your network and environment.

Premier Support Named Contacts - Premier connects our top tier engineers with the customer and in order to ensure the best outcomes we limited the number of individuals within an account per $39,500 to three named contacts.  This helps ensure the most knowledgeable individuals within our customers are connected with our most senior engineers to drive issues to conclusion faster.  If additional named contacts are needed they can be purchased three at a time by purchasing additional Premier licenses. Account coverage pertains to all active Crossbill Server and Data Center product licenses and does not include Open Source products or 3rd party apps.

Terms & Conditions


There are three requirements for Premier Support eligibility:

  1. Named Contacts - Premier Support requests must be filed by one of three specified named contacts. The specified contact can be a contractor or consultant, but must have an email address with the company domain name.  Named contacts must be individuals and can not be group or shared email addresses that are sent or received by more than one physical person. Named contacts must require that they keep their user IDs and passwords for Premier Support strictly confidential and do not share such information with anyone. User IDs are granted to individual, named persons and may not be shared. You are responsible for any and all actions taken using Premier Support named contact accounts and passwords, and you agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of which you become aware. Please also see "Limitations for Support" section below for additional details regarding Crossbill Partner participation in the Premier Support service.
  2. Current on Maintenance and License - Instances identified for Premier Support must also have up-to-date basic support maintenance. To co-term all your licenses to synchronize their dates, please contact us
  3. Provide Timely Requested Information and Logs - In order for Premier Support to truly be successful it is important that we receive the right information quickly to drive root cause analysis and overall resolution.  When an account signs-up for Premier Support it is important that the proper expectations get set internally regarding information sharing requirements for this service.  The Premier Support service model assumes customers will provide our team with information requested in a timely, consistent, and well structured manner (Requested information includes but is not limited to configuration files, access log files, heap dumps, thread dumps, GC logs, anonymized DB backups, etc.) . Our goal is to create a better working partnership between Crossbill and Premier Support accounts, which requires the right information be provided, so we can more quickly target our team's efforts in solving the problems our customers are experiencing. 

Limitations for Premier Support

Premier Support does not include:

  • Support for users other than the three designated contacts. If you work with a specific Crossbill Partner and would like to included them as named contacts you have an option to transfer one customer named contact and create three Crossbill Partner named contacts under the same premier support license.  This is only permitted if the Crossbill Partner contacts share your domain and adhere to the following naming convention (PartnerEmployee)_(PartnerCompany)@(CustomerDomain) so that we can clearly identify the partner via the contact email address.  Examples:,
  • Support for instances of Crossbill products without a valid maintenance agreement
  • Customized versions of Crossbill products (customized = original product code has been modified)
  • Support for 3rd party vendor apps
  • End of Life, Beta, Release Candidate or Development releases
  • Development only questions or requests. For community-based development support, please post these questions on Crossbill Answers or seek out our professional services through the Crossbill Partners.
  • Feature requests, bug requests, or additional commitments from the product or development teams.
  • Questions about third-party application integrations or third-party apps
  • Product training
  • Non-English language support
  • Remote Administration
  • Technical Account Management
  • Professional Services (available from Crossbill Partners

Additional Policies and Agreements